Wednesday 13 July 2011

Your Duct Tape Bra Is Fitting

 Got your attention didn't I? The title really has nothing to do with this post. As many of you know a couple friends of mine, Shawn Anderson and Denise Hickey, are getting married next month and sad to say I will not be attending.

I have known Shawn for a few years and as for Denise, I only met her over a year ago. I never thought  Shawn would be a man to get married; he just never seemed to be the type. When I first met Shawn he presented himself as a ladies' man, but to my not-so-bewildered surprise he really wasn't. He was flirtatious, raunchy, and a great drinking buddy. I found all of this out within the first five minutes of shaking his hand. To say he was transparent would have been an understatement, were it not for the fact that he was more than what he lead others to believe. It is no secret that there were a couple of years where I was not really part of the 'group'. I was busy with a few things, more importantly a relationship with a woman that wasn't really worth my absence. Nonetheless, I reconnected with my fellows and of course Anderson was there relatively unchanged. When my relationship with the unsaid woman was waining and truly on its last legs I got to hang out with Shawn again.

We ended up at this kick-ass after party, and got to seriously talking, which at this point was something I wouldn't even fathom coming from the soon-to-be-groom. We were there having a smoke, and a few drinks and discussing the good old days (two years ago). We were there drunk as fucking hell talking about a time when we were all a tight knit group, and how we should try and finds ways to get the group back together. Funny, these types of conversations are usually reserved between old band members reminiscing the days of yore and wanting to rekindle the magic that was. To our delight this conversation did lead to a collective mostly unconscious action; we all began to mingle, converse, and have fun as a group again. After the initial shock, and glare of being with my friends again on a regular basis, I began to ponder if this was what Shawn was talking about.

Probing into the recesses of my mind I remembered, this guy is not acting like the Shawn I once knew. There were large changes in his character, his speech, and the look in his eyes. These would be considered small imperceptible changes to those who were around him all of the time, or rather more so than I was. I couldn't put my finger on it, so I would probe him about various things that have happened in my absence. I first went with work, work has not really changed except for a couple of raises and more freedom but nothing that would make this change that I have seen. So, I ask him about his family life, nothing there either. I jokingly then ask about his love life, and there it was. I would ask who is this lady he's chasing now. He would retort with dismissive comments at first, very unlike Shawn at all. Normally Shawn would go on and tell me the dirty deeds he would like to do with a woman before he even knew their name.

 It had taken me three weeks to find out who this lady was, and another two weeks to meet her. Then I saw it, that sparkle, that twinkle, that fear, discomfort, and out right euphoric speck in his eye. Our Mr. Anderson was in love. The night I had met Denise I knew Shawn was in love, it may have been before he knew but I knew it outright. That night I would coax him into telling me he was actually in love, he would threaten "I'll clock you! I'm not in love!" or "I'll cut your hair, I fucken will." Me thinks thou dost protest too much. Through subsequent weeks I would coax and tease and explain to Shawn that being in love is a most wondrous thing, it could lift you so high and bring a light to your darkest days.

 When I arrived to Newfoundland the first words out of my mouth to my greeting friends was "I'm getting married!". Shock, silence and general bewilderment was the atmosphere to my salutations. Boyd was there to confer my wild allegations then there was merriment and congratulations. After receiving my luggage we went out to set off and Anderson was there to pick me up. We went on and I told him in person of my situation, and congratulations were made and then the preparations for celebrations began. First coffee, burger, and the picking up of the ceremonial tequila and spiced rum.

One 26oz. gold tequila, and one 26oz. silver, one 60oz. Captain Morgans Spiced Rum, plus a butt load of beer. That night the celebrations began for all who were there and unforgettable memories forgotten by the copious amounts of libations to create those unforgettable memories. After a while Stik, Anderson, and I went off to the George Street Festival and saw Our Lady Peace. This is where Shawn FINALLY admitted he was in love with Denise Hickey.

Congratulations Shawn and Dee, I wish a long and happy marriage!