Saturday 1 June 2013

Diapers, Bonnets, and Holy Matrimony

What is love, but a feeling of true acceptance, joy, and expectation? Love is not discrimination, it is not hatred, it is not a feeling akin to apathy. Boundless, ever expanding, and so cleansing; serene, and chaotic. Wholly unexpected, yet when it arrives there are few words to truly describe the evanesible flood. The heart races, then calms, blood pressure rises and subsides, breath is gone and returns overbearingly so, and a simple sigh is given, as if to ease the building weight. But the pulse flows, every beat a life time passes, and the object of your affection stands still basking, and bathing in the light of your eyes. Never wanting to change, never wanting it to end. Seized and stunned, words fail to expel from the mouth, limbs tremble, and control over rudimentary movements is lost. Panic. Ecstasy. And insurmountable fear, and courage ascends. A barrier broken of indecision, and indiscretions.  A goal is set, and hope, nay knowledge!  Of your object of affection does feel what you hold in your soul! Blinded by the iridescent light of love, you did not see, could not see they were experiencing in kind to your own. 

At the very least, this is what I would like to believe happens on a regular basis. You see, some more of my friends are getting married.  I know, it happens, time passes, your friends get married have children, and go on leaving you behind to dwell in single life, because they know what they have is far better than what they once had. Who am I kidding? They don’t actually leave you behind, as a friend you get to go on the ride on the outskirts of their journey together! You get to be the cheering crowd! You get to be the audience of their greatest achievements, greatest joys, and the ‘uncle’ who teaches the little ones about pyrotechnics and all that fun dangerous stuff that Mommy and Daddy would have a heart attack if they had been there. Your friends getting married can be awesome. The parties, the stories, and the experiences are the objects of life that keep it worth living, and your friends worth having. As the bonds of holy matrimony begin, as a friend, you get to strengthen the bindings by going through absolutely insane rites of passage. Don’t believe me? Watch The Hangover, seriously, that movie had it on the nose, although a little extreme, but still pretty damn close to the real thing.

Darryl Smith, and Laura-Lynne Conley, I am happy to say that your marital bliss is something to look forward to.  These two are a perfect couple, after these past two years I don’t think I could see either of them with anyone else. I wish you two a long and happy marriage.

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