Wednesday 22 June 2011


 So if this has worked correctly you should be listening to the second full song I've written. I find it odd that I cannot play this again. I've tried, in fact there has been months where I would only try playing this song. I suppose it's for the best, seeing as it is possibly the most depressing guitar track I've ever heard. I mean when I wrote this thing it brought me down for a few days. The reason why I put it up is because I've actually been listening to it; trying to hear it with 'new ears' try to see it in a new light. When I wrote it, it was a song of pain, of sorrow, but now I hear simplistic beauty. There is something liquid, dark, with a shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. If you close your eyes what do you see? 
When I close mine I see the beginning of a sun kissed spring field, just after a heavy rain. The light shines upon a flower in half bloom, wilted not by impeding death but because of the shear weight of water lets it sag down. A drop falls like a tear and hits a small pond in a shadow, it falls slow and hits the water, then ripples out. It is dark now, and the only source of light comes from some point in the deep dark liquid. With each echoing rise of notes the light brightens then dampens, with each bend it ripples. As time passes so do I, ferried by Charon to an opening. Nearing the end of a journey, a bright doorway is unveiled to me. As if with each wave I come closer the end. Closer to an escape. Closer to the blinding light. Then it ends, unfinished and open. 

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